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Coded by hand, from scratch :)

Gun Control Posters

What is design for if not advocacy? In this project, I wanted to use the tools available to me to call attention to the prevalance of gun violence in America. Over 680 children have died in our nation as a result of school shootings. In the “land of the free,” is it not a cruel thing that our laws allow this to keep happening to our youth? Just like children everywhere, children in America deserve their liberty, their chance at pursuing happiness, and most of all, their lives.

two gun control posters

I knew that it would take a set of posters to get my message across. In the first, I took a minimalistic approach in order to focus the viewer on the gun, and the text the gun is pointing at.

In the second poster, I wanted to emphasize the solution - peace. An illustration of an olive branch being offered while making a gesture dismissive of violence, against a calming, sincere blue.

gun posters mockup on floor